Referral Program

“Somebody Sent Me”

— our Referral Program

We love that our loyal, long-term clientele have sent so many beautiful souls our way over the years!

For this reason, we’re extending our gratitude for spreading the word, by way of our Client Referral Program.

Every NEW Client referred to us for treatments of any kind will receive a COMPLIMENTARY 15min Add-On to their first appointment, either:

  • Some LED Light Therapy, OR-

  • a Pre-Treatment Foot Soak & Scrub

Simply mention “Somebody Sent Me” upon booking ~ let us know in the comments section which of your friends referred you to us and we’ll make a note on their Client profile so they can receive their reward as well!

Every existing/referring Client sending someone NEW our way, will receive a $30 voucher to put toward either treatments OR yoga/meditation offerings of their choice.

(You can even save these bbs up if you wish and put multiple together to redeem on something more substantial!)

*T&C’s apply. Applies to full-priced offerings only; not to be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer without prior approval from Somewhere to Be.