About Us

Hey! I’m Sarah,

Founder of Somewhere to Be.

I’m a long-time Skin & Spa Therapist and more-recently trained Somatic Therapist with nearly 15 years experience now, working for some of Australia’s most luxury spa retreats, alternative skin studios and cosmeceutical skincare brands.

I’ve been soothing nervous systems since early ‘10.

In that time, I’ve come to really revere the power of what I call ‘soulful, intuitive touch’, and the ways in which somatic awareness, through both massage and movement, can help bring us back home to our body and beyond than that; into alignment with our Authentic Self.

Skin health is a big passion of mine, but for me, it’s never been about aesthetics alone. I’ve always been most interested in how the connective art of touch can touch into different layers of our Being through the felt-sense within the physical body - our skin.

And anyways, optimal skin health & luminosity is a result of so many things… topical actives, yes, but also the foods we eat, the water we drink, the company we keep… the amount and types of movement we fit into everyday life, how we’re treating our skin and also how we’re treating ourselves from within.

In more recent years, I’ve studied the integrative practice of Yoga & Meditation alongside Somatic Therapy - specifically NeuroAffective Touch, which looks at the effects of chronic stress (and even trauma) on our nervous system — and in turn, our how entire state of Being.

These two modalities, or bodies of work you might say, in addition to my many years hands-on treatment & training experience have really refined the way I infuse education into my offerings.

Whether it be in class or in treatment, you can expect to receive the benefits of touch and integration across all aspects of my offerings. A beautifully bespoke and empowering approach to journeying inward, together.

Always with a sense of warmth, curiosity & compassion.

I believe in — S L O W N E S S — taking time getting to know the nuances of our unique nervous system and it’s imprinting, and using that knowledge/understanding to skilfully navigate life from a more embodied and intuitive place.

*Specifically not bypassing our emotions or suppressing them/shoving them down, but rather, working somatically to slowly increase our capacity to be with them and experience the full spectrum of this human experience by using proven practices to resolve the incomplete or ‘stuck’ stress/trauma responses that may be (consciously or unconsciously) holding us back somehow.

In my personal & professional experience, this is what creates lasting change and continues to empower us for the (life)long-term.

The Concept of Somewhere & Somatics

“We’re always embodying something…”

Whether we’re conscious of it or not - our mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies are always at play; influencing the physical body and subsequently; our thoughts and feelings - the beliefs we have about the world and of ourselves are brought about - made manifest - in our posture and in our movements; in the way we hold ourselves and move through life everyday.

Somatic Therapy works with a trauma-informed approach of safely bringing awareness to our bodies [SOMA meaning body], to slowly start making a more conscious connection between the body and the mind. Over time, working towards creating a cooperative — and even celebratory (!) — relationship between the two, where perhaps there once was an experience of dissociation, DISintegration, disharmony or dissonance of some sort. Somewhere to Be offers space to do just that; return home to our bodies and cultivate a sense of safety from within.