in a state of human Being.

Somewhere to Be is a gorgeous studio space situated upstairs on Gertrude St. Fitzroy

Specialising in the Skin & the Body: Bespoke Facial and Massage Treatments

informed by Somatic Therapy

as well as…

Small-Group Yoga/Meditation:

also inspired by Somatics

(aka. nervous system support)

“Somewhere”, as we endearingly call it for short, is:

not quite a spa.. and certainly not a beauty salon.

Although we care deeply for skin, it’s not exaaactly a skin clinic...

And while we love to sink into the body & still the mind, it’s not only a yoga studio, either.

It’s Somewhere you can set aside intentional time

to settle into timelessness.

It’s intuitive, intelligent, attuned touch-

underpinned by an embodied understanding of Somatic Therapy (…nervous system stuff).

It’s massage, movement and meditation.

A many-years-long culmination.

Sometimes there’s sound..

other times its found

within stillness - a silent witness - of that which we experience.

SomeWhere the wisdom of the body meets the whispers of the soul;

a meeting place where Authenticity unfolds.

Somewhere where we become so curious,

compassion can begin to s l o w l y [ *and* sometimes suddenly ] reveal itself.

It’s a place to create safety, over time, in our bodies, in our breath..

It’s a place to Remember, to return to, and - time and again - to (consciously) rest.

It is quite literally

Somewhere to Be — in a state of human Being.

soulful, intuitive touch…

Experience our signature

…explore our timeless

Yogic & Embodiment Teachings

  • SKIN

    Bespoke Facial Treatments, Expert Skin Consultations, Luminising Skincare & LED Light Therapy


    Massage, Body Treatments & Nervous System Support (informed & inspired by Somatic Therapy)


    Yoga & Meditation Classes, Short Courses, Bespoke 1:1 Sessions & Special Events
    (small-group setting - 10 students max.)

soothing nervous systems since '10

soothing nervous systems since '10

Like the comforting prosody of a familiar voice, or the undivided presence a dear friend would provide; in-treatment, expect to receive Sarah’s signature

“soulful, intuitive touch”

touch that is care-full, compassionate & totally attuned to your unique nervous system.

Soothing Nervous Systems for nearly 15 years now

Our Founder, Sarah, has been

Sarah is a Skin & Somatic Therapist with a long-standing love of massage, body treatments & (especially) facials.

She’s had a long-standing career as Senior Therapist & National Trainer for some of Melbourne’s most sought after spa retreats, skin studios & luxury skincare brands; extensively travelling Australia to educate emerging therapists in the power of touch. Always with a specialisation in skin health, but an ever-increasing special interest in the nervous system

Over this time, Sarah has treated thousands of bodies and faces, deepening her innate ability to attune to clients in-treatment; her hands hold tens-of-thousands of hours worth of experiential wisdom.

Through the study of Somatics (namely; NeuroAffective Touch, a form of Somatic Experiencing) she’s also developed an intelligent felt-sense for the way in which each body she's tending to — tends to hold tension. And not just physically; though it may manifest in some fairly unsubtle ways within the physical body, the effects of chronic stress (and even more so, trauma), can echo with much more nuance throughout the entire nervous system, influencing every layer of our Being - even at the most subtle energetic (often subconscious) level.

In fact, it touches into all aspects of our lives, impacting us mentally, emotionally, spiritually & relationally (makes sense; cos our nervous systems are relational systems, right?!)

Sarah was drawn to this body of work professionally, because of her own experience with Somatic Therapy personally helping to resolve the many symptoms of severe burnout, including patterns of overworking and under-listening to her own body’s signals…

Simultaneously studying Somatics and Yoga/Meditation in more recent years, she’s been able to integrate practices that support clients & students alike to strengthen their mind-body / body-mind relationship and build somatic awareness; so beautifully blurring lines between the treatment space and the yoga studio.

Sarah is particularly passionate about this specific combination of massage, movement, meditation & psychosomatic education in empowering us all to increase our capacity for connection & Presence. For her — Somewhere to Be is the embodiment of the evolving journey she’s been on thus far; and Somewhere to share all that she’s learnt along the way.

Somewhere to Be believes in

- Creating Safety & Inclusivity -

- Cultivating Curiosity & Compassion -

- Encouraging Integration, Authenticity & Alchemy -

Skin & Somatics

SOMA /ˈsəʊmə/ noun

  1. 1. the body as distinct from the pysche.

So, but, how do facials & massage & such relate to Somatic Therapy ?

Notice: our skin is largest-spanning sensory organ of the nervous system ~ it’s the active interface (pardon the pun), between us and the outside world (*especially our face, in fact - as it functions as our social engagement system - the apparatus through which we engage with and relate to other people).

Our skin is also the first connection of the body to the outside world, and to another Being, as early-on as in-utero. A conduit, one might say, between our internal realm — and everything that’s external to us, (yet of which we are inextricably a part).

Humans are made for connection, but trauma and/or plain ol’ chronic stress can disrupt and DISconnect us from ourselves and others, creating dissonance and DISease within our lives and relationships.

Somatics supports us to come back home to body, through interoception; the felt-sense / sensing bodily signals from WITHIN - and spending time developing this connection so as to increase our Window of Tolerance. It sets us up with practical tools to regulate the nervous system — or resolve it’s incomplete responses where needed, so we can meet ourselves AND those around us from a more steady, aware and compassionate place.

The process of delving into Somatics and developing Somatic Awareness can be slow; which makes sense, cos the mind usually operates at a much faster pace than the body (and oftentimes, thinks it knows better than the body, too). It can take time for us to shift down in speed so as to get quiet enough for long enough to listen to and truly learn its unspoken language.

BUT, it’s a skill we CAN develop (thank you neuroplasticity!)

AND, it’s well-worth the work/the wait, as once we’re able to release ourselves from the repetitive patterns that play out in our lives; either keeping us stuck in the re-telling of past stories OR anxiously anticipating The Unknown ahead, we can start to access the fullness and flowing nature of our life force energy as a way of creating/actualising what we’ve always imagine for ourselves.

Somatic Therapy is not about demonising the mind, or making the mind redundant… it acknowledges our mind is useful in navigating life and relationships! However it does recognise that the mind can be a “wonderful servant, and a lousy master…” *if left entirely to it’s own devices.

Somatics is about learning to distinguish between the two, and listen with more nuance, to the signals our body is sending us from within.

The nervous system is 80% afferent (upward-moving), and touches into all of our organs along the way. And so we talk about these things all we want, but until we drop into the body and see what IT has to say; we will only get so far on our healing journey.

Strengthening our mind-body (or more to the point; BODY-MIND) connection sets us up to safely expand into our fullest potential and live life from a more empowered, authentic and intuitive state of Being — more of the time.

Stay in touch.

If you’d like to receive some love [and learning] from Somewhere now’n’then, subscribe to our mailing list.

We’ll send you nervous system support & let you know about upcoming events/new offerings as well.

Sarah x

Skin & Somatic Therapist | Yoga & Meditation Teacher | Founder

Somewhere to Be